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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birth Order

Recent study shows that the birth order to affects a person characters in many way. A study from a Harvard graduate student of the Psychology Department claims that. This issue had been on debate on so many level of society, including health sites, soccer mum websites and a small circle of UniKL students.

Apparently, the child which is born first usually have traits of being more matured, have higher intelligent as well as being more responsible and have early share of beatings. And latter child, for example the youngest usually at times they're irresponsible and quite helpless. Last but not least, the middle are usually creative-prone to make up for their somewhat responsible and less smarter than the eldest.

An attempt of being a responsible (and irresponsible) big brother

This is true to the extend where usually the eldest are held responsible on most things, such as taking care of their younger siblings. They're also taught since their young age to behaves how need to be behave, especially when there is a new member in the family. The same goes for the middle child, though it isn't as demanding as the eldest.

Elder sister on riot

This leaves the youngest with the least work and chores and usually the youngest would get the the most attention. This is partly because they are the youngest in the family, thus the need to get as much attention as possible compared to the other elder siblings, especially since when they're the least intelligent and prone to be involved in nonsense activities.

You've guessed it right. It's the youngest.

However, not all characters are totally defined by their birth order since people do change over time in order to adjust to their environment.

Note to self: I'm being dull, yes.

Further reading:

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