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Thursday, March 24, 2011


Welcome to this blog, again! I'm amazed that you're actually reading this blog again, or perhaps, until this post. For this post, I'm going to tell few things about bear you probably never heard of.

Do you know? Bears are pretty good at dueling. Despite that, you won't really be seeing they duel anywhere, because they're in fact very low profile and non-braggart. However, someone managed to got their hand on a picture of a bear kicking someone in the crotch for telling bulb jokes, because the bear finds bulb jokes are pretty much cliche and boring.

Doing the world a favor to stop the viral of bulb jokes

In addition, bears are actually one smart creature. After several years of watching humans, they learned that people would open their door if someone gave a knock on their door. Surely enough, if bear gives a knock, it wasn't knocking for trick-or-treats.

"Sweetie, I'm home!" was one of their favorite line.

Bears also have few sets of nice skills, like chasing down their food, making scratch arts on the wall as well as riding the motorcycle. They love riding motorcycle as much as Malaysian loves eating rice.
The bears apparently consider it as a sports. One extreme sports.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Game: "Miami Shark!"

If you enjoy destroying constructions, devouring humans and ruthlessly pulling down airplanes into the sea, then this game is pretty much for you!

Shark - 1 Sheriff - 0

Anyhow, here's the synopsis of the game. This game is about a shark. Which the shark is you. And just like any other ordinary shark, you're doing your usual daily routine; bullying other fishes and eating penguins and fisherman, sleeping in abandoned wrecked ships and submarines when suddenly, you realized that you need to start to live to your fullest! Not enjoying aloha dance in Hawaii kind of fullest, but by destroying and wiping out human race from the face of earth!

The good feeling of destroying things that worth million of dollars single-handedly,
especially when someone is taking world records out of it.

Miami shark game is straight-forward and entertaining. The goal of this game is to wreck havoc throughout the city while devouring any living things you can find by all means possible! The game's control is very simple. The whole game only requires you to use arrow keys and control key. That's all!

The controls! Super easy!

Pure classic feeling!

Nothing our Shark couldn't take down.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and play it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nuclear plant - part 2

This post will be mostly on the energy harvesting component that helps turning energy (in form of heat) into electricity. In order to fully understood the process, one needs to see the big picture.

Image: A simple chematic diagram of a nuclear plant
1. The chain-reaction of uranium isotope occurs in the reactor, where heat will be released due to the fission / splitting process.

Control rods are made of materials like cadium and boron which are used to control the speed of atom fission process.

2. Heat is being transfered into heat exchanger, where water is being turned into steam. All these process occurs inside a reinforced concrete containment structure to as a safety precaution to prevent any spills of uranium or explosion to ever coming outside.

3. As water being turned into steam, it will be flowed to the turbine where it will moves the turbine, where the generator will produces electricity to power up the city.

4. As the steam returned, it will pass through a condenser where the steam will be cooled down using the cooling tower, turning the steam into water and sent back to the heat exchanger to be heated by the energy produced by the reactor.

All this process helps to turn the energy produced by the atom fission of uranium into electricity that can power up almost a million houses. It is said that nuclear power plants is quite environmental friendly and stable. This is due the fact that it only requires little amount of fuel to produces a huge amount of energy while it doesn't emits CO2.

Image: Lifecycle of CO2 emissions, source

Nuclear plant - part 1

How does a nuclear power plant works?

Power plants mainly have two main component. They are:
1. Energy producing component
2. Energy harvesting component that will turn it into electricity.

In this post, we'll be talking about nuclear power plant, the energy producing component part. Energy producing component is also considered the heart of the reactor. We'll get onto the next part in another post on energy turns into electricity part.

First of all, the energy producing component. Nuclear power plant obtains energy from the heat released during chain reaction of atom-splitting process. The science term for atom splitting process is called fission. In order to obtain an atom with huge amount of atoms, uranium is used. Uranium contains 235 atoms; each atom has a nucleus of 92-protons and 143-neutrons.

Anyway, how do we obtain energy from these atoms? Before that, we'll go back to a chemistry lesson.

First, fires up a neutron to the stable Uranium-235 and it will become Uranium-236, an unstable version of Uranium, called isotope.

The fission process of Uranium

Since uranium-236 is unstable, so it will try to become stable by splitting into smaller atoms such as barium and krypton. Now onto the awesome part of that process; as it splits, it will also neutrons. Two of them in fact. These two neutron will fire up another two stable uranium-235 atoms in that area. The uranium will become uranium-236 isotope, that is unstable. The process will repeat on and on as long as we desire, which is called chain-reaction.

So how do we obtain energy from these reactions? Super easy. As the atom splits/fissions occur, it also releases energy. The amount of the energy is really massive that it is said, a single nuclear power plant can power up to a million houses. [McGuire, N.Carolina]


The oil price rise entanglement have cause many people went to look for car fuel for a cheaper price. One of the alternative can be obtained from ethanol, grown on palm oil tree or corn field. In order to obtain them cheaply, the oil gas companies found the solution; by buying them from poor countries. The high market demands for corn oil and palm oil had caused many farmers racing against time to start growing them.

Here's a catch, is there any side effect on this?

Do you know? Country like Mexico depends on corn breads to make their staple food: tortillas. Tortillas to them is like white rice to us Malaysian, if we don't eat them for a week or two, we'll start become crazy, like suicidal case for some.

Image: Mexicans stage tortilla protest

The rise price of corn which now used for the biofuel had caused the poor to rally since they couldn't buy their staple food, which costed them 1/3 of their paycheck. Imagine what will happen if Malaysian couldn't eat white rice anymore?

However, in countries like Indonesia where the palm oil aren't the major problem if the price risen up, have started to grow palm oil in large scale. Studies shown that it caused some effects to the environment. The deforestation caused by burning them down to create space to plant oil palm trees caused CO2 being released. In addition, many wildlife are wiped out due to deforestation as well as weaken the soil. Some survey shows that Indonesia emits the highest amount of CO2 after America and China for deforestation to expand the plantation of palm oil.

Image: Orang utan finds his home destroyed to make palm oil plantation

The use of biofuel certainly caused a number of negative environmental effects as well as indirectly caused the food price rice.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Places we could go!

Welcome back to the awesome blog of 15nautica.

There are some places that you could go for the mid-semester break. (or a possible trip organized by Miss Syerina if we all fix our grammatical errors in our blog entries, which I hope the trip will come true)

1. Amazon river
It is filled with inhabitants of many awesome creatures. The fish there are known to take great pleasure meeting inhabitants of the land. For example, the piranhas over there are so thrilled with meeting people that they brought all their brother and sisters to welcome people that came. Of course, it always ends up bloody joy kind of excitement.

2. Tornado Alley
Since most of us took Chemical Engineering course, learning about how heat is being transfered, the diffusion of hot and pressure related drive forces are certainly one of the prerequisite before becoming of heck of a great white collar technologist/engineer. During the year of studies, why not go over there, where you all can learn and see for yourself the result of heat and cold air movements from great countries from far like told in the books? I reckon it will be so fun that you'll be screaming at the top of your lungs playing tag-you-re-it with the 240mph tornadoes.

3. Alaska
Who doesn't love the white fluffy bears? One of the places that you can go is probably Alaska. Over there, lived the so-called polar bears. I bet many of us never seen a polar bear real life in front of us. Therefore, why not we all take this chance and go see them? It's really cold out there and living like an outcast from the city really makes them lonely. When you meet them, remember to give them hugs. Remember to make it long lasting since living in a tundra certainly helps if they could get all the body heat they could get! Don't worry about their screaming, it is probably they're calling their friends so they too could get your free hugs, or share you as their early meal, I'm not sure which one.

So here are the places you could go during mid-semester break! There are more, but if I were to put so many awesome places, I bet everybody will be fighting over where the trip would be.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greener grass

Human nature
There is one old saying, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. The saying goes that, whatever we have in our life, be it home, vehicle, job and even sweetheart- there is always someone out there who would obtain better one than us.

As a human, we're susceptible to the sort of thinking that there are better things out there. However, we're not at fault. In fact, it is normal to be curious about other things and wanting to possess it, especially from the hearsay of the sugarcoated lips. Though, this kind of thinking will induce the uneasy feeling because we're worrying about what we could have.

Why is it bad?
The worries of wanting to possess other things that we don't have at the other side of the greener grass fence is actually very bad. Keep worrying about it won't get us anywhere. These are few reasons out of hundreds out there why the chase of the greener grass isn't encouraged at all:
  • Whatever someone possesses something, there are always someone else out there with better toys, bigger car, hotter wife and more luxurious home. If that person chasing to own better, then there are someone else that already owned the better of it. In short, it is a never ending chase.
  • During the chase, we'll use up our energy. It can be the sacrificial of our time, our money and perhaps our family. For the next chase, more energy will be required. What's next? We might not even have the energy to enjoy things that we already have.
  • Sometimes, the reason why we're chasing for a greener side is because that we haven't spent enough time to develop enough time to see the good side of it. It is a problem; Seeing other things that we don't have with a rose colored glasses and being cynical about things that we already have.

What should we do?
Be grateful of what we already have and give time for it to develop and shine. Reflects upon what it have that other thing won't achieve. In addition, giving the best effort to make it the best would be really good. It also helps to develop the understanding and attachment more of the things that we already have.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

'Student Election'. Bzzt.

Students must vote during the 'Student Election' because they need to save the community of the students. The event of 'student election' will certainly help the student in lots of ways, preventing havocs and mishaps.

As you can see, the number of students are huge. Individually, each of them have their own needs and ideals to upholds. In order to sort out their needs and ideals with the surroundings, they'd go to the authority, which is the administrator of the college or university. They will voice up their opinions and wishes to them. Imagine if there are 600 students in a college and each of them went to the university administrator, even one person daily, that would certainly take more than a year to hear them all out. If the administrator only have few numbers of students that they can focus on to hear problems, it will certainly make them much easier as well as economically in terms of their time.

Therefore, by taking few number of representative, that huge amount of students can refer up to the representatives to sort out their thoughts. Their needs and ideals can be sorted out much more sophisticatedly and it is much, much faster. From there, the representative can deals out with the best ideas which would suit up for all these students. Who's better to hear the students than those persons who are in the same shoe of them, right? Which will leads to the next point.

Next, by voting a representative during an election, the students can judge for themselves, who would be the best student representative. They can select the one that will voice up the voice of the students, unbiased towards their own personal gains. Perhaps, there are even people who are chasing for being in highly ranked position, but they're very unlikely do perform anything or listen to the students' thought. Thus, it is very important for the students to choose their vote carefully.

There are certainly a lot other reasons why voting is important. However, in the end, it is all up for the students whether to vote or not. Who knows, by voting- their environment will slowly change to dance to their tune.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Leaders; are they born or made?

Leaders, whether they are born or they are made, this topic has been on debate for years. If leaders are born leaders, then presumably that the way they are born are different from others. However, the behavior of people change over time, which certain set of behavior made them leaders. Due to this, studies have been made by learning the traits that made the person a great leader. After years of research, these leaders have several key behaviors that helps them becoming one fine leader.

All leaders have a behavior to adapt to setbacks or failures and learn from them. When confronting a certain difficulties, they survives it emotionally and physically as well as learning something new from it. They also have the ability to empower and develop others, which brings the best of others out while sharing clear visions with them. Leaders are also passionate about their work and have openness behavior towards new things.

  1. Winston Churchill suffered speech impediment ever since he was young. Through perseverance, he finally manage to overcome it and became one of the most inspirational public speaker of his time, lifting hopes for millions during the World War II.
  2. Napoleon was known for his great leadership as well as his great imagination to think far ahead into the battlefield. As an emperor, he would win over his people by telling his clear visions of great victories ahead.
  3. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of one of the largest bank in United States believes that in order to keep in shape in the business field, he spends 50% of his time to study or talking to people or even travelling in order to keep on top of things.

These are key behaviors or the traits of the leaders. These skills are acquirable and any weakness are not something to be lived up forever. By changing oneself personal behavior to something better, he'd definitely change, and perhaps, become a leader one day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birth Order

Recent study shows that the birth order to affects a person characters in many way. A study from a Harvard graduate student of the Psychology Department claims that. This issue had been on debate on so many level of society, including health sites, soccer mum websites and a small circle of UniKL students.

Apparently, the child which is born first usually have traits of being more matured, have higher intelligent as well as being more responsible and have early share of beatings. And latter child, for example the youngest usually at times they're irresponsible and quite helpless. Last but not least, the middle are usually creative-prone to make up for their somewhat responsible and less smarter than the eldest.

An attempt of being a responsible (and irresponsible) big brother

This is true to the extend where usually the eldest are held responsible on most things, such as taking care of their younger siblings. They're also taught since their young age to behaves how need to be behave, especially when there is a new member in the family. The same goes for the middle child, though it isn't as demanding as the eldest.

Elder sister on riot

This leaves the youngest with the least work and chores and usually the youngest would get the the most attention. This is partly because they are the youngest in the family, thus the need to get as much attention as possible compared to the other elder siblings, especially since when they're the least intelligent and prone to be involved in nonsense activities.

You've guessed it right. It's the youngest.

However, not all characters are totally defined by their birth order since people do change over time in order to adjust to their environment.

Note to self: I'm being dull, yes.

Further reading:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Godzilla, the awesome!

Welcome back to my awesome blog. This post entry will be all about Godzilla.

What's a Godzilla? Godzilla is a monster coming from the far wide space. Drifted in the hideous meteor, it landed on the face of earth. Certain sources said that they came for earth's special food, the fish. The reason of this is despite their humongous size, they actually have a pea-sized brain. Several Google searches leads them conclusion that eating fishes will enhances their brain capacity. The small-sized pea brains explains the fact why they attacked the fisherman in the first place.

Kaiju, a species of Godzilla found himself amused by the abundance amount of fishes in the sea

They're actually a very gentle and loving creatures, in its very own special way. Like most reptiles, it also sleep, eats, breeds and even dancing. Godzilla is known to never discriminate whose their dance partner is, even if they have extra long and hairy hands.

"Dancing and bonding with wildlife" before devouring their a week's worth of meal

Further research shows that they're pretty much like humans too, being happy, sad, forgetting things, talking about their blogs as well as having PMS.

Forgetting that they have English Technical Communication replacement class going on

One scary Godzilla with pincerhands tells his friend to leave comments in his awesome BOLABLOG

Unlike human, they devour on things other than chocolates and pillows during their PMS

Years back, the Godzilla was found to be found all over the world in their very own habitats, under the sea, rivers, sewage and even beneath underage children's bed.

However, recently they were found attacking only Japan. After finding out the japanese had build an oversized robot shaped human with mosquito eyed as well as dressing in a vinyl clothing, these Godzilla find it extremely offensive to their small sized eyes with coarse skin. Ever since then, they started attacking Japan weekly on Saturday morning. The television show producer finds this very informative and starts showing it live on throughout the world.

Japanese government's attempt to prevent over-sized illegal immigrants trespassing

After years of unsuccessful attempts, they started to become more organized in their attacks against Japan

That's all my post. Honestly, I rather do something less tormenting than writing blog post entries, like putting my hands into the oven.

"Dude! I've stopped attacking Japan, updating facebook and playing halflife, but the blog assignments are still mounting! I took 3 hours to write an entry, man! 3 fricking hours of my life!"

Monday, January 31, 2011

#3 - Monetary Incentive?

Without any drum rolls needed,

Someone said, 'do you think we should give monetary incentives to the KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades?' I'd say it's a pretty good idea. It is so awesome that new words needs to come out from Advance Learners' Oxford dictionary to define the awesomeness of it. The reasons for this is that because the fact that money is growing on the tree. In addition, it helps to make the university well known and the students will be more aware of their grades.

Money does grow on tree and its not even photoshoped!

First of all, the fact that money is grown on trees and our university have a lot of trees, the university should be totally rich and have trillion of ringgits in their account bank. The university themselves hardly have any mega projects for the university campus, except for giving summons to students not wearing helmets and parking responsibly in lecturer-reserved parkings. The university's headquarter certainly have some money allocated for catastrophe such as the machines that gone haywire, sued by the students and even to fight an army of single-celled progeny bred from experiments that gone wrong to do us serious harm, writing rabble-rousing songs about the ultimate demise of mankind. So what's the best way to spend all the trillion of ringgits? Instead of using it for repairing machines that have been thoroughly mutilated by the students or adding new infrastructures, we'll be spending it by give it away to academically-challenged students, of course.

The next point would be so really great that awards should be handed. The news of a university giving out money for academically-challenged students would spread far and wide, globally. If aliens ever existed, then it would be throughout the universe. Nonetheless, it certainly makes the university famous in a matter of days. Unlike other university which that have been giving the academically-challenged students more motivational, self-help talks and talks from ex-student engineers about their careers and pointers how to excel academically or even more study visits to factories to give them overview of their awesome future careers, a university will try to ride against the wind, by of giving out money for the academically-challenged students. That university will be so famous, that people would start making humorous remarks on the university.

We won't be doing it because giving out money is much more working.

Next, it would be an incentive for students to be more aware of their grades. Just imagine, a student instead of joyfully jumping around for getting good grades, he or she will be filled with anger and hatred for not getting KP in order to get free money. What's a best way to make good memories of their university? By getting the university paying for their under-achievement of course. What's more awesome? By doing it in a group of 100 students or more just to break the senior records of 50 students all together aiming for KP2.

All these points certainly give anyone a crystal clear view why monetary incentive is a pretty good idea. As a student, if this fantastic idea ever get implemented, I'll do my part to support it by changing myself to another university as well as removing the fact that I ever enrolled in such university in my social-networking accounts profile page.

Monday, January 24, 2011

#2 - Reign Under My Ruling

Our beloved and dearest, yet bedazzling lecturer gave us quite an unusual title to write about.
"If I could rule the world, I would .."
If I could rule the world, I would starts my reign with destroying Pluto and Jupiter, therefore fore-telling horoscope wouldn't occur anymore. Nothing too fancy, just plain nuking it to pieces.

In addition, I'll impose few new laws, such as:
  • Endangered animals would commercialized as burgers. There'll be variety of it, steamed, smoked, deep-fried, baked and nuked. Any kids who manage who eats 12 burgers without the vegetables daily for 3 months straight will have free passes to all theme parks around the world for free until he reaches the age of 12.
  • No more hydro, wind, solar, biomass, solar, coal or whatever type of power plant. All power plants will only harvest energy from earth's core; lava as well as tornado. If anyone opposes, they'll be thrown into the lava, which will directly contribute to more fuel for the lava and better future.
  • Power plant that is harvesting energy from the tornado can only harvest from F4 and above type of tornado. Anything below that is considered a national disgrace and will be given to live in and only Tornado Valley to learn becoming harmonized with the nature. If they haven't died in 5 years, they're entitled to enter Olympic in the Lame category for the next 12,000 years, including their next generation so their kins can curse their great-great-great-great parents for making them suffer for the next 12,000 years.

  • Cannibal corpse lounge music will be the national anthem.
  • Jiwang songs is banned. Anyone heard talking, listening, humming, discussing, playing instrument of such and trying to make one will be labeled as unpatriotic and therefore thrown into the lava.
  • More science related TV shows and TV-series like CSI, NCIS, Numb3rs in order to encourage and brainwash kids into becoming science people.

  • Cloning is legal, only if the thing being cloned are either tyrannosaurus, pterodactyl, apotosaurus.
  • Criminals will be sent to the most remote place on earth, guarded by the several hundred thousands of fire breathing tyrannosaurus. The criminal's daily meals consists: tofu burger, tofu pancakes and tofu sushi.
  • Flying spaceship into the Black hole would be impose as a new coolest extreme sports, and parents which more than 3 child are required to enter the tournament, with their eyes closed and a giraffe as their pilot.

There are more yet to come and you people better starts praying that I won't be ruling the world.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Game: "The Game of Life"

If you have a lot of free time and a several bunch of people to have fun with, you'd probably want to try "Game of Life" boardgame.

The board game "The Game of Life"

The game in sort of our life; right after school, we can choose either getting an education at college or straight gone into working. Then moving along the path in the game, you'll be showered with undivided attentions from debts and unlikely chance to become rich. It's the game of life, after all.

Many people doesn't know that this board game exist long time ago before 20th. century. It had been created in 1860 by Milton Bradley, as The Checkered Game of Life.

The board game "The Checkered Game of Life, 1923"

The game requires 2-6 players, with setup time for this game is approximately 10 mins. Playing this game may end around 30-40 mins, but sometimes it can be hours.

The game simulates a person's travel through his or her life, from college to retirement, with jobs and marriage and even possible children along the way. The game requires a set of counting and reading skills.

Two couples

100 years later, c.a. 1960, it has been modernized. The modern game consists of a track on which players travel by spinning a small numbered wheel from number 1 to 10, located in the middle of the board. The board also contains small mountains, buildings and other objects that makes it more interesting and real. Each player have one automobile that has 6 holes on top of in which blue and pink people peg can be placed. The game also includes money, insurance policies, investments and stocks.

Multiplied into a family

In year 1988, a CD-rom version of the game was produced by Hasbro - which added computerized move and animations. An option to play multi-player over the internet is also included.

The rules are way much to say, but you can try surf the internet for tutorial of this game.

p/s: Faris have the 50th special anniversary edition of The Game of Life, so those who are interested, just pm me (Faris) on weekends.

Monday, January 17, 2011

#1 - Education Aspiration 2011

A lecturer told us that we need to get the entry on Education Aspiration for the year 2011.

So, here are our entry for the 2011 goals.

Thanks to the last semester's killer subjects, our CGPA is dropping like a airplane without a pilot. Inenvitably, we need to start becoming proactive. In order to become proactive, we need to enchance our knowledge on every subjects, so that we can pass with flying colors. Similarly, that'll help our preparation when we're working in the future.

During the blood donation medical check up, we had the doctor checked upon us several time and claimed that we're not healthly-wise to donor our blood. Thankfully, that was a machine error and we passed for the donation. If not, being an early 20's with several health problems won't look good in our resume. We're hoping to have a better lifestyle from now on.

Since we're now in the adulthood, our body have certainly developed to become sharper and becoming more matured. Especially for those who are eager to get married after studies. Being broke wouldn't look good to future in-laws. So, we have lots of plans to save our money from MARA loans and doing some investments. For example Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB).

Hope that we're able to achieve our goals including the marriage part especially for those who have started finding their soulmates. More or less, that's our entry on Education Aspiration 2011.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Begining

First of all, I want to introduce the editor of this blog which are Faris and Hakim.Don't know where to start actually..Don't know what to bloging about in this blog.. We hope that somebody can give us any idea what to blog about..